I'm debating which to get first an Xbox 360 or a PlayStation 3. I won't be getting either this Christmas. (I don't want to fight the crowds.) I'm happy to wait a few weeks and pick one up for Groundhog Day. Can you think of a better way to spend six more weeks of winter?

So far the PlayStation 3 is my front runner, despite the $600 price tag. Mostly because of some key features(HDMI, Bluray, 1080p). I've heard some rumors(1|2) that the 360 will, eventually, have comparable features and am content to wait until I see something concrete.

Today I looked at some front runners on each console. Gears of War and Resistance Fall of Man. I think both look awesome after watching some trailers. (1|2) Gears sounds really fun with the whole duck and cover style game play. But Resistance's multi-player is incredible with up to 40 players online. Time will tell which is better. I do have one complaint with Gears of War, mostly the character design. I realize the characters are supposed to be big macho, tough guys. But why do they suffer from elephantiasis? Is the radiation on planet Sera that high that its caused the human race to develop over-sized limbs and torsos?
-Just an observation.